LinkedIn Chrome Extension

Learn how to semi-automate your LinkedIn tasks with Upscale.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

LinkedIn is an essential platform for lead prospecting and nurturing. A multitude of tasks in sequences is performed via LinkedIn. Upscale allows you to semi-automate your LinkedIn tasks efficiently via the Upscale Engage Chrome extension. 

Here's how you can set up Upscale Engage.

LinkedIn Chrome Extension Set-up

How can I install the Upscale Engage extension in my Chrome browser?

  • Go to Upscale > Settings
  • Click on Plugins > Extensions > Upscale Engage
  • Click on Add to Chrome.

You have now installed the Upscale extension in your Chrome browser. 

What type of tasks can I perform using the Upscale Engage Setup?

You can perform any of the following tasks using the LinkedIn Chrome extension:

  1. View A Profile
  2. Send Connection Request
  3. Send Message
  4. Send InMail

Upscale thus allows you to sync your Upscale account and LinkedIn profile bi-directionally and simplify your tasks.

Get Started with Upscale Chrome Extension

  • Click on the Upscale Engage Chrome Extension in your browser. You'll get redirected to LinkedIn automatically.
  • Log in to your Upscale account in the window that appears on the right.
  • Under the Tasks section, the tasks created for LinkedIn are automatically available.

Any new tasks you create on your Upscale account will be synced with LinkedIn in real-time. 

Here's how you can Semi-automate the above LinkedIn Tasks 

To perform LinkedIn-related tasks, you must have a valid LinkedIn URL included in the prospect data. 

View a profile

  • Open the LinkedIn Chrome Extension 
  • Go to the Tasks > View a profile 
  • Select the prospect to get directed to the LinkedIn profile automatically on the left window. 
  • The prospect's disposition gets updated as per the sequence settings on Upscale. 

Send connection request 

  • Click on send connection request tab > Select the task.
  • The prospect's LinkedIn profile will open on the left window.
  • You can include a personalized message with variables while sending the connection request (Optional).
  • Click on Send Connection Request to add the prospect to your connections

Send message

  • You can draft the message to be sent within the sequence on Upscale.
  • Use variables such as name, designation, and more to add a personal touch to the message. 
  • Go to Send Message > Select the prospect.
  • The selected prospect's profile automatically opens on the left window.
  • Type the message under Message Snippet. 
  • Click on Send Message.

Send InMail

To send an InMail, you need a paid LinkedIn Sales Navigator account.
  • Go to Send InMail > Select the prospect.
  • Type your message under InMail, or you can predefine the message in the sequence.
  • Click on the Copy button to open the Inmail window on LinkedIn.
  • Click on Send button on LinkedIn.
  • Mark the task as done once you've followed all the above steps.

You can also acquire contact data and add them directly to Upscale.

Happy Prospecting!

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