Task - FAQs

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the task here.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Q. Why are my auto emails overdue and not delivered?

A. Auto emails are not sent by Upscale under 2 scenarios -   

  • When the email has missing variables in it.
  • When the email to the prospect has bounced in the past. 

To identify why your email has not been delivered, go to the task table and hover on the cross icon against the task. The reason for the email being overdue will be listed in its tooltip.

Q. I am in the Australian time zone. My sequence is set for the US timezone. I want to proofread or personalize each auto email before sending them out, but I also want to ensure that my emails are sent according to the US timezone. How do I achieve this?

A. First, ensure you have set a schedule for your sequence in settings correctly. If you don't know how to do this, check out Schedules + Sequence.

We would suggest you create a day interval sequence so that you have sufficient time to personalize your emails before their due time arrives and they have to go out. Once this is set, you can go to the respective auto-emails (of course, before their due time), make changes to them, and save it. 

The auto-emails that will be shot out will be your updated emails when the due time arrives.

Q. If I reschedule a sequence task, which timezone will it be scheduled?

A. If you reschedule a task, we expect you to mention the date and time it should be executed according to your time zone. So, if you want to reschedule a task executed in the US at 9 am, but you are in the Australian timezone, then you should reschedule it for 1 am.

In all, you need to do your Math here!

Q. How do I view my tasks for the day?

A. Please check out this article - Execute daily tasks

If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to us on contact@upscale.ai.

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