Call Purpose

Define purpose of your calls in advance so that you are always aligned with your goals
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Call purpose helps you maintain focus while prospecting. You can add, edit and delete call purposes in Upscale.

Add a Call Purpose

  • Go to Settings > Calls > Purposes

  • Click on Add Purpose
  • Enter the name of the call purpose
  • Click on Save

Edit a Call Purpose

  • Go to Settings > Calls > Purposes
  • Hover over the Purpose you want to edit and click on the pencil icon. 
  • Edit the name of the call purpose
  • Click on Save

To delete a call purpose, hover over the Purpose, click on the trash icon, and click on Yes, Delete.

Related Articles

  1. Call Disposition
  2. How are incoming calls routed?
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