Sequence + Prospects

Check out the status of your prospect in a sequence and take action accordingly.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

When you assign prospects to a sequence, it's essential to know how they are responding to your outreach. Prospect responses are categorized into specific stages, providing you with valuable insights into their interest in your products or services.

Here are the different prospect stages:

Status Description

Prospects in this status have been added to a sequence but haven't had the sequence enabled for them. 

Active Active prospects are currently engaged through the sequence. 
Paused It indicates that the outreach has been temporarily paused for the prospects.
Finished (Replied) Prospects who have replied to your communication are marked with this status, indicating the completion of the sequence.
Finished (No reply) Prospects in this status haven't responded to the outreach steps undertaken in the sequence.
Opted Out Opted-out prospects have chosen to stop receiving any further communication from all channels.
Unsubscribed  This status indicates that the prospect has unsubscribed from your company's mailing list.

You can easily update the status of each prospect using the options in the ellipsis on the right-hand side of the particular prospect. 

Change status to Actions
Active Activate a prospect who is currently in the "Pending" status by selecting the Activate option.
Paused Pause an active prospect by clicking on the Pause option. Simply choose the Resume option to resume engagement with the prospect.

Mark as Replied

Manually mark a prospect as "Replied" by selecting the Mark as Replied option. 

Move to Step Customize prospect engagement by skipping steps and moving them to a different stage based on their interaction and progress.
Remove from Sequence Stop the sequence for a prospect, delete any pending or upcoming tasks associated with them, and remove them from the sequence list.

Manually update a prospect's stage to Opted Out and conclude the sequence (based on the ruleset settings). This is useful when a prospect actively chooses to stop further communication.

Related Articles 

 1. Mark prospect as replied or finished

 2. Skip steps of a sequence for a prospect

 3. Remove prospects from a sequence

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