Sequence Overview

Introduction to Sequences

Here you can find information about Sequences, how they work and why you should use them?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Create Sequence

Create a new sequence from scratch

How to create a sequence from scratch?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Create Sequence from Blueprint

Want to learn from industry best practices? Create a sequence using blueprints and see the results!

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Create a Clone of an Existing Sequence

Want to A/B test your sequences? Create a clone of an existing sequence and run two sequences simultaneously.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Edit, clone, delete and manage sequence steps

Learn about the add-on features while creating a sequence.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Add email template to a sequence step

Learn how to add a template to the Email step while creating a sequence.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago
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Sequence + Prospects

Sequence + Prospects

Check out the status of your prospect in a sequence and take action accordingly.

Written by Upscale
Updated 10 months ago

Assign prospects to sequence

How to assign prospects in a sequence?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Pause a prospect in sequence

How do I pause or resume prospects in a sequence?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Skip steps of a sequence for a prospect

How do I skip a few steps for a prospect?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Mark prospect as replied or finished

How do I mark a prospect as replied or finished in a sequence?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago
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Sequence Performance

Sequence Performance Overview

How is my sequence performing?

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Step-wise Performance into Sequences

Identify the gaps in your sequence with stepwise insights and take corrective measures immediately.

Written by Upscale
Updated 11 months ago

Sequence Settings

Choose Interval Type for Your Sequence

Choose between Schedule Days or Calendar Days for tasks within a sequence.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Choose Action When A Prospect Replies

Automate what happens when a prospect replies to you.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Choose Action When A Prospect Books A Meeting

Automate what happens with a prospect books a meeting.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Update Mailbox For A Sequence

Find out how to change or update the mailbox you want to use for a sequence.

Written by Upscale
Updated 10 months ago

Sequence Throttling

Setting up Sequence Throttling

Set up a Throttle limit to avoid SPAM penalties and blacklisting by email service providers.

Written by Upscale
Updated 10 months ago

Sequence Modifications

Sequence Step Modifications

Find out what happens when a step within a sequence is modified.

Written by Upscale
Updated 10 months ago

Sequence Activity Log

Keep track of all the modifications within a sequence with the activity log.

Written by Upscale
Updated 10 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions (Sequences)

How Do I Retry Bounced Prospects?

Find the best practices to try connecting with bounced prospects again.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

How to Track Sequence Email Insights

Learn how you can get email insights within sequences.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

How to View Private Sequences of Other Users?

You can only view the private sequences of other users if you have permission. How? Let's find out.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

How To Check Prospects Assigned to a Public Sequence by Other Users?

Let's find out how you can check prospects assigned by other users to a public sequence.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

How to Disable an Opt-out Link while Sending a Sequence Email?

Let's find out how you can disable the opt-out link while sending sequence emails.

Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago