Add email template to a sequence step

Learn how to add a template to the Email step while creating a sequence.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

While creating an email step, you must compose the email to be sent. You can either write the email yourself or use an existing email template.

To use an existing email template, here's what you can do: 

  • Select Manual/Auto Email type in the step type and Add Step.
  • Click on Add Step > Add template dialog box will appear.
  • Click on Add Template icon in the editor.
  • Select the template you want to use from the list. 
Please note: If your sequence is public, you can only add public templates. You can not add private templates to this sequence. However, if your sequence is private, you can add all public and private templates visible to you.
  • Once selected, you can choose to Link the template or Clone it.
Action Description
Link Use it if you want to save any changes in the template throughout the app.
Clone Use it if you want to save changes made in the template only for that particular sequence.
  • You can edit your template and click on Add
If you want to add another template for this step, click on Add template CTA and repeat the above steps.

Edit, clone, and delete an email template

You can edit your template, clone it using the clone icon beside the template and delete it using the delete icon with just the click of a button. 

  • To edit an email template, click on the template you saved earlier and start editing it. Click on the Save button once you are done making the changes.
  • Click on the Clone icon against the template to clone an email template. 
  • Click on the Delete icon against the template to delete an email template.

    Upscale simplifies adding, editing, cloning, or deleting for you! 

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    3. Edit, clone, delete and manage sequence steps
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