Adding Additional Mailboxes

Here's how you can add additional mailboxes to organize your sales prospecting.
Written by Upscale
Updated 11 months ago

  • Go to Settings > You > Mailboxes
  • Click on Add Mailbox in the top right corner
  • Choose your Email Provider and enter your Email ID
  • Add a custom "From" name to the mailbox (optional)
Note: Your default name as per profile will be used when you don't add a custom "From" name to a mailbox. 
  • Your email ID will now be added to the list of mailboxes
  • Click on Sync to sign in and verify that the mailbox belongs to you

Accept all the permissions to provide Upscale access to your email account and click on Allow to complete the process. 

Your mailbox is synced and ready to use! ✅

Start engaging your prospects with meaningful conversations!

Related Articles

  1. Add Alias to Your Mailbox
  2. Connect Your Mailbox
  3. Activate your account

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