Ruleset - FAQs

Get the answers to some common queries related to Rulesets.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Why should I set a ruleset owner?

It is essential to set a ruleset owner due to multiple users using the platform. It may be important for other users to know who has defined a particular ruleset. 

If I change the default ruleset, will it get changed for all existing sequences it was applied?

Yes, once the default ruleset settings are changed, it gets changed in all the existing sequences in which it was applied. 

You can, however, create a new ruleset for the sequences in which you don't want the changes to be applied. 

Can a prospect be added to the same sequence again?

You can allow a prospect to be added to the same sequence again by creating a new ruleset with this configuration or editing your existing ruleset. Refer to the article Edit a ruleset to learn how to edit your ruleset

Can a prospect be added to other sequences when it is already active in some sequence?

You can restrict a prospect from being added to any other sequence when it is already active in some sequence. You can create a new ruleset or edit your applied ruleset. 

What happens to prospects that have unsubscribed?

You can define what to do to prospects unsubscribed from your sequence in the Unsubscribes section under rulesets. You can do either of the following:

  1. Prevent prospect from being added to sequences and finish if already active.
  2. Allow the prospect to be added and skip future email steps

You can edit your existing ruleset and update the unsubscribed settings anytime. 

Related Articles

  1. Ruleset + Sequence
  2. Schedule + Sequence
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