How to View your Call Log

Learn how to view past calls and listen to call recordings.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

You can view past dialed and logged calls and listen to call recordings on the Calls screen.

To open the Calls screen, click the Calls icon in the navigation column on your left.

Adding Filters to view call logs

You can filter by 

  • Call type

  • Call disposition

  • Call purpose
  • Owner/Caller
  • (person) Dialed from
  • Recorded (calls)
  • Call logged
  • Tag

Steps to filter the call logs

  • Click on Add Filters.
  • Select the properties you want to filter by.
  • Select the date range.
  • Press Enter on your keyboard
Pro tip: If you frequently filter by a particular set of conditions, you can click on Create as Smart View and save it for easy use. 

How to Edit Call Logs?

  • Select the calls you want to edit.
  • Click on the Edit icon.
  • Update the changes.
  • Click on Update to save the changes.
Note: You can even add tags by clicking on the Tags icon. 

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