Troubleshooting Audio Issues on Upscale

Let's understand how you can troubleshoot call audio issues while making calls on Upscale.
Written by Upscale
Updated 1 year ago

Before contacting Upscale Support, if you follow the before steps, it'll help determine the primary cause of the audio issue. You can provide this information when submitting a support request if applicable.

  • Try recreating the issue with known devices and internet connection (if applicable).
  • Upscale doesn't support VPN configurations. 
  • We advise you to complete, save, log and add all the information before starting the troubleshooting process. System restarts and browser updates are required. 
  • Disconnect any audio devices such as headsets and external speakers
  • Please confirm if you have completed, saved, or logged all the important information. 
  • Determine if this is consistent or a one-time issue.

Steps for Troubleshooting Call Audio Issues:

Step 1: Identify the issue

If the issue is... Then...
1-way, no, or robotic/choppy audio Access Incognito Mode & Move to Step 2.
Echo or static Move to Step 2. 
The call won't connect/call dropped Move to Step 2. 

Step 2: Is the issue resolved? 

If the issue is... Then...
Resolved Proceed to Step 4.
  • Clear browser cache.
  • Update browser if applicable. 
Note Resolved. 
  • Close non-essential apps and tabs if applicable. 
  • Move to Step 3. 
Note: Streaming services and other resource-heavy apps can cause performance issues.

Step 3: Test audio and check if the issue is resolved.

If the issue is... Then...
  • The issue is related to browser configuration. 
  • Contact the network or system administrator for more assistance
  • Needs no further action.
Not Resolved Move to Step 4. 

Step 4: Understand how your audio settings

If the audio is through... Then...
Headset Disconnect the device & move to Step 5.
External Speakers Disconnect the device & move to Step 5. 
Integrated (computer) Speakers Move to step 6. 

Step 5: Test audio and check if the issue is resolved

If the issue is... Then...
  • Issue related to sound/audio device.
  • Contact the network or system administrator as applicable. 
  • Needs no further action.
Not Resolved Move to Step 6.

Step 6: Run the Twilio Network Test 

If the network test result is... Then...
Passed Move to Step 7.
  • Contact Upscale Support.
  • Share the completed troubleshooting steps with the Support.
  • Needs no further action.

Step 7: Identify if a firewall is present:

If a firewall is... Then...
Present Disable the firewall & move to Step 8.
Not present Move to Step 9. 

Step 8: Test audio and check if the issue is resolved.

If the issue is... Then...
  • The issue is related to firewall configuration.
  • Contact your network or system administrator for more assistance.
  • Needs no further action.
Not Resolved Move to Step 9.

Step 9: Is a VPN configured?

If a VPN is... Then...
  • Disable the VPN.
  • Restart the computer.
  • Move to Step 10.
Not applicable Move to Step 11.

Step 10: Test Audio and check if the issue is resolved

If the issue is... Then...
  • The issue is related to VPN configuration. 
  • Contact the network or system administrator for more assistance. 
  • Needs no further action.
Not Resolved Move to Step 11.
Note: Upscale does not support VPN configurations.

Step 11: Understand your Internet settings

If connected via... Then...
  • Connect via Ethernet
  • Move to Step 12
  • Contact Upscale Support & Check Twilio health status
  • Share the troubleshooting steps with Upscale Support
  • Needs no further action.

Step 12: Test audio and check if the issue is resolved

If the issue is... Then...
  • The issue is related to your WiFi connection
  • Contact your network or system administrator for more assistant e
  • Needs no further action.
Not Resolved
  • Contact Upscale Support 
  • Share the troubleshooting steps with Upscale Support
  • Needs no further action.

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